FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: David Knight OneStep Solutions Plc 351 London Road Phone: 0702 551010 Hadleigh Intl: +44 702 551010 Essex. SS7 2BT Fax: +44 702 551515 England Email: United Kingdom (NeXTMail welcome) August 10th, 1994, OneStep Solutions Plc require shrinkwrap apps, objects and palettes from software houses in the NEXTSTEP market. FFC Software and Systems Limited has increased its capitalization and taken on the new name of OneStep Solutions Plc. Probably the premier NeXT VAR in the UK, OneStep Solutions Plc has been trading since 1984 and has been involved in the NEXTSTEP marketplace for three years. Since our inception we have been providing in-house developed multi-user applications which meet our clients needs in the Insurance, Legal, Local Government, Manufacturing, Distribution, Retail, Financial Services and Entertainment industries. These products run under a proprietary operating system and are installed on some 2000+ seats. Over the last two years we have re-developed many of our core applications to run under NEXTSTEP and we are now commencing an immediate plan to convert our existing clients to take this new generation of software and hardware. We believe this plan will be completed over the next three years and, including growth, will ultimately lead to some 3000 installed seats. Of course, our core applications are only part of a package which represents a total solution to our customers; they also require a diverse range of word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, productivity tools, communications, administration software, utilities etc. We therefore call upon all developers in the NeXT community throughout the world to contact us with information and ideas as to how your products can be of benefit to our clients. Due to the technical nature of our company we would ideally like to have direct relationships rather than the more complicated distributor channels which we have found ineffective, due to a lack of product knowledge and added value. We have considered a working model by which a relationship could be formed and would ideally like to have the opportunity to discuss this at more length with any interested parties. Initially we require from yourselves a brief overview, preferably in rtf format via email, of your product along with retail and VAR pricing. We would hope that your software should follow some simple but important guidelines; Fully functional demonstration software should be available and should expire after, preferably 90 days. We consider it unacceptable for our clients not to be able to print and save several hours of testing work for later editing or sharing in the evaluation process. A well documented API, if applicable. Applications should read the users default paper size (usually A4 in the UK) and not default to "Letter". Groupware should have a minimum 3 user license. Products should have floating or site license policies across m68k, i486, PA-RISC and SPARC platforms. Automated suggestion and support panels should have a default address mechanism which allows us to insert our own email address as the destination, so that we remain the front line of support. There should be good on-line help, tutorials and sales support literature. The ability to supply multi-lingual NIBs and help files when required. We look forward to your replies. ---- OneStep Solutions, the OneStep Solutions logo are trademarks of OneStep Solutions Plc. NeXT and NEXTSTEP are trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. All other products and brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.